Business Mondays - Carbon Accountancy's "Santa CEO" John Leyden
16 December 2020
London EC1A Community Project
16 July 2020
What Lies Ahead For Accountancy Firms Large & Small?
23 June 2020
How retailers and their suppliers can prepare for the coming year – Corona crash and Brexit combined
29 May 2020
Incubeta Ignite Virtual Learning Series - Carbon Accountancy 15% discount
4 May 2020
Carbon Shows How To Out-Tweet the Big Four
31 July 2018
Social media can be a great leveller for smaller businesses. John Leyden, CEO at social climber Carbon Accountancy, was interviewed by AAT magazine about his successful methods.
"The internet, and social media in particular, is a great leveller. While large businesses can use their considerable resources to make an impact online, smaller companies can use a smart strategy to compete with them.
Huddled’s annual audit of accountants’ social media activities makes this clear....."