Business Mondays - Carbon Accountancy's "Santa CEO" John Leyden
16 December 2020
London EC1A Community Project
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What Lies Ahead For Accountancy Firms Large & Small?
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How retailers and their suppliers can prepare for the coming year – Corona crash and Brexit combined
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Incubeta Ignite Virtual Learning Series - Carbon Accountancy 15% discount
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Techround Interview With John Leyden, Carbon Accountancy CEO
19 November 2019
TechRound caught up with founder and CEO of Carbon Accountancy John Leyden to discuss the services Carbon provides companies with (both in tech and other industries), and how businesses can use chartered accountants to prepare for Brexit.
How are EMI Schemes beneficial for businesses?
“EMI schemes are beneficial for all companies. Basically, an employee with options in EMI shares is taxed at 10%, whereas the tax if they’re non-EMI shares is an excess of 60%. This is because EMI shares qualify for Entrepreneurs’ Relief, and non-EMI options are taxed as income – so you pay income tax, national insurance and employer’s national insurance.
How does Carbon Accountancy help tech companies to raise finance?
“Raising finance isn’t our core business, but we do work with quite a lot of entrepreneurs; some have made money, some of them through tech, and some of them are looking for investments along the way, but what we say to tech companies is that we don’t work on an exclusive basis in terms of helping to raise finance.”
“The main reason for not working on an exclusive basis is that I don’t like over-promising. There are an awful lot of corporate finance people out there who sign up everybody that comes through their door promising the sun, moon and stars, and then when the time comes they say “we can’t raise the money.” I’d rather work non-exclusive alongside other people, and help rather than do the whole job.”